Reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.
At the Pain Management Clinic of Dr. Patrice Langlois, we aim to provide effective pain relief solutions to improve your quality of life. One of our treatments is cryoneurolysis using the IOVERA® device, a specialized therapy for pain relief based on innovative technology using the principle of intense cold cryotherapy. This minimally invasive procedure targets the specific nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to providing attentive care tailored to your individual needs, ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout your treatment.
Cryoneurolysis involves the application of freezing cold to peripheral nerve tissue. This treatment is effective for a wide range of conditions, including:
Take back control with the help of our experts. The Pain Management Clinic is here to offer you personalized solutions and support every step of the way.
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Our clinic uses a diverse range of medications, products and modalities to effectively manage and treat your pain.
Cryoneurolysis can relieve your knee pain.
A medical procedure that uses intense cold to temporarily (3-4 months) disrupt pain signals.
Cryoneurolysis is performed using the IOVERA® device. To minimize patient discomfort, a topical or injected anesthetic is used. A small probe is then inserted into the tissue to create a targeted cold zone.
The primary objective of this treatment is to reduce pain rapidly and significantly.
The success of cryoneurolysis treatment varies according to the type of condition and the duration of pain experienced by the patient.
Patients undergoing IOVERA® treatment can expect considerable benefits, particularly in the management of knee pain due to osteoarthritis and in recovery following knee replacement surgery. This treatment offers immediate and long-lasting pain relief, with many patients reporting continued relief for up to 90 days after treatment. Patients report reduced stiffness, greater range of motion and improved mobility, enabling them to participate in daily activities and thus improving their quality of life.
Chronic pain isn't just physical, it's emotional too. You're not alone, and we're here to help.
Contact us today to learn more.
Visit our FAQ section to find out more about our procedures. You will find answers to many of your questions.
The procedure begins with a local anaesthetic, followed by the application of the IOVERA® system’s Smart Tip to the skin, targeting the nerves responsible for pain. The procedure generally takes around 30 minutes.
Patients generally feel no pain due to the local anesthetic applied. Sensations of cold, heat or tingling are normal.
No, the effects last up to 90 days. Patients can return for further treatments if necessary.
The procedure is suitable for patients with knee pain due to osteoarthritis, or those undergoing or recovering from knee replacement surgery. This option can also be offered to patients who are not candidates for knee replacement surgery.
Patients should avoid strenuous activity for 2 to 5 days after treatment.
Possible side effects include bruising, swelling, redness and temporary changes in sensation at the treatment site.
We're committed to compassionate care and giving our patients the tools they need to live life to the fullest despite the challenges of chronic pain.
Contact us today.