Tendon infiltrations

Reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

At the Pain Management Clinic of Dr. Patrice Langlois, we strive to improve your well-being through targeted pain relief strategies. One of our key services includes tendon infiltrations, an effective treatment for reducing tendon inflammation and discomfort. This therapy is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from tendonitis or other tendon-related problems. Our dedicated team offers personalized care, ensuring that each treatment plan is tailored to your specific conditions.

What conditions can be treated with tendon infiltrations?

Tendon infiltrations target pain and discomfort by reducing inflammation and promoting proper function. They can be particularly beneficial for managing pain in the following cases:

  • Tendonitis
  • De Quervain’s tendonitis
  • Posterior hamstring tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Elbow tendonitis
  • Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) or medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
  • Trigger finger

Tired of letting chronic pain dictate your life?

Take back control with the help of our experts. The Pain Management Clinic is here to offer you personalized solutions and support every step of the way.

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Does chronic pain prevent you from enjoying life’s simple pleasures?

Our clinic uses a diverse range of medications, products and modalities to effectively manage and treat your pain.

Tendon infiltrations may use the following medications:

Cortisone (methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone)

Anti-inflammatory steroids that reduce swelling and pain in affected spinal areas.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma)

Preparation of concentrated platelets from your own blood containing healing factors to repair tissue and reduce pain.


This technique involves injecting directly into the affected tendon or surrounding sheath to provide targeted relief.


The main aim of this treatment is to reduce pain and improve tendon function.


The success of tendon infiltration treatment varies according to the type of condition and the patient’s history of pain. It may also depend on the condition of the tissue.

What can I expect following tendon infiltrations?

Patients who receive tendon infiltrations can expect substantial relief from tendon pain and inflammation, improving tendon mobility and overall function. This precise treatment effectively targets the source of tendon discomfort, offering immediate relief of symptoms and helping to prevent further problems. Many patients report prolonged periods of improved mobility and quality of life, ranging from a few weeks to several months. Tendon infiltrations facilitate more participation in daily and recreational activities, helping patients to return to a more active and comfortable lifestyle.

Chronic pain isn't just physical, it's emotional too. You're not alone, and we're here to help.

Contact us today to learn more.


Visit our FAQ section to find out more about our procedures. You will find answers to many of your questions.

Who can benefit from tendon infiltration?

This treatment is suitable for people suffering from chronic tendon pain or inflammation, particularly in cases of tendonitis or tendinopathy, when other therapies have proved ineffective.

What can I expect during tendon infiltrations?

The procedure is generally rapid. The area around the tendon is cleaned and a local anesthetic may be used before injecting the medication directly into the tendon sheath.

How quickly will I see improvements?

Improvement in pain and mobility can often be seen within a few days of surgery, with continued improvement over the following weeks.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with tendon infiltration?

Possible side effects include pain at the injection site, infection, skin discoloration or tendon rupture. These effects are generally rare and should be discussed with your healthcare provider. Choosing a professional experienced in pain management is important and can help reduce these risks.

How long do the effects of tendon infiltrations last?

The duration of relief can vary, with many patients experiencing a considerable reduction in pain for several weeks or even months. Repeated treatments may also be necessary to achieve lasting relief.

When can I resume my normal activities after a tendon infiltration?

Patients are generally advised to avoid strenuous activity for several days to allow the treated area to heal properly.

Find out how we can help.

We're committed to compassionate care and giving our patients the tools they need to live life to the fullest despite the challenges of chronic pain.

Contact us today.